Software engineer
with product and human experience

Want a website that really connects with your people?
I love hearing the stories and experiences
of my clients to help them articulate their motivations.
Then we make it come alive online.

  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
  • Dolor

My Work

Have a look at what I've been working on.

Story Salon

A responsive website showcasing the photos and experience clients feel in the salon.

Read by Third

Non profits need to quickly connect with individuals to tell the what and why of their important work. Here, Read by Third does so in a simple single page.

Seulgee, Illustrator +

An artististic showcase of a storytelling artist that says so much with a simple style.

Why Tamara

Through out my career I have been interested in technology that people actually use
My experience spans customer experience, technical problem solving,
and a real appreciation of life's unexpected twists.

  • Whole story

    I'm curious about the whole story. With this, I can ask better questions and help think steps ahead for a more robust solution.

  • Solid tech

    I take pride in my work. I aim for well-tested, clean code based on best-practices. We all want tech to just work.

  • Communication

    Expect regular, brief but detailed contact about what's going on with your project. Communication is key.

  • Pragmatic

    As a certified Project Manager, I understand deadlines and constraints. We'll work out what can be done given life events and working in an ever-changing world.

  • Wide perspective

    My experiences with diverse groups help me design for an inclusive solution.

  • Education

    While my schooling at UC Berkeley, Caltech and Wesleyan gave me certain knowledge and education (yea, I love learning), my experience and track record also shows I am determined to figure things out.

Let's chat

I'd love to hear about your project and discuss your ideas, needs, and dreams. No pressure chats because no one likes those.